And for that the dream was doubled to Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. Gen. 41:32
For God does speak—now one way, now another—though man may not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn man from wrongdoing and keep him from pride, to preserve his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword. Job 33:14-17

Monday, January 15, 2018

Closing This Door to Open Another

Hello to all the readers we have had in the past 5+ years. We are not only beginning a new chapter in our ministry, but a new book, so to speak. The blog will be archived so that it can still be accessed, but our focus is now on one blog, with a different theme, and an updated message. Click on the picture below to read our first post from the new blog and, if you would like to follow us there, that would be wonderful. Thank you all for making our little ministry blog a part of your reading material.

Monday, July 4, 2016

My Message of Love

I have always had a lot of anger stemming from childhood molestation, rejection and resentment from my father and, later in life, a failed marriage because of a cheating husband. All of those things put a deep-seated anger in me, that only showed up when I was "pushed into a corner." Needless to say, it was hard to be humble, willing and obedient to a Godly calling with all that black mess in my heart. 

My current husband, of almost seven years now, and I was spending time with my cousin in November 2013, helping her with her new business venture. One night I dreamed of a word. One word. Muse. That was it. 

My husband had, for the year previous, had been patiently dealing with my angry outbursts every time a trigger came up that reminded me of some aspect of my past. But, he was getting to the point where he could not handle my anger anymore, and I was at a place where I didn't like myself for reacting to the those triggers.

The next morning, after having this word spoken in my ear, I was helping my cousin, who makes stained glass, arrange some of her work. She was playing a song on her computer, the same song over and over. The words began to register, and I felt a prick in my heart. I asked her who sang the song. She said, "Muse." I had never heard of them, but I looked up the lyrics and, although it was the voice of the lead singer that I heard, it was Yeshua speaking the words to me in a very personal way. He was speaking to me how He wanted to heal me of the anger, hate, resentment, and all that had built up over the years. It was so personal. I cried tears from years of pent-up frustration and rejection. For the first time in my whole life, I felt like something was beginning to heal inside of me. I was 47 years old.

Today, the 4th of July, 2016, I turned 50 years old. I felt it was time to share this dream with the world, to share this small piece of my story of healing. If there is anyone reading this that has had all kinds of evil done to them, listen to words, and know that Yeshua (Jesus for the Christians) is speaking them to you. He wants to heal you, too.

            photo credit/License

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Proclamation & Prayer

‘Proclamation & Prayer’ was given to me in a dream on July 31, 2013.

I was standing at the edge of a grassy lawn, and below me flowed a narrow stream. Three young children were pulling a little red wagon by the stream. The youngest,  a three year old doe-eyed little girl, came to me holding a huge trout about 2 ft long. She had taken three bites out of the raw fish, and was chewing the last bite as she approached me, and held it up for me to see.

Standing beside me was a man much taller than me, who I knew to be an angel. He said to me, "Write and pray for the animals that do THIS!"

I prayed for the interpretation of this dream. To write and pray is the prayers written on pictures. The animals that do THIS is the ‘raw’ word of God that feeds His children.

I was then led to the Scriptures where the people of God made a proclamation to Him. Then, I was led to write a prayer based on those Scriptures.

A proclamation is a public decree, announcement, acknowledgment or declaration. Each prayer represents our need to speak out our willingness to serve God.


I write out prayers based, not only on Scripture, but particular verses that have us~as God's children~speaking toward Him, or toward our fellow man, in a way that proclaims something that we see, feel, do, or intend. 

I have been doing this for over a year now. Each picture that I use, I have taken myself, somewhere along this journey we have been on, and on G+, they are mapped, just a little something extra that tells more about the picture itself. I write each prayer out as the Spirit leads me. I now have two collections that I am building, with more coming when they are done.

I started off with "I Will", which has led to "I Will Not". Because there are some things that we should proclaim that we are not going to do in our Christian walk. They need to be spoken out as well as the things we will do.

In the near future, these prayers will be published as a prayer journal, as well as other types of media, as the Lord leads. I publish them on 5 online platforms on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

To see the albums on our website, click here.

To see the albums on G+, click here.

To see the albums on Facebook, click here.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Dream That Started It All

Some 20 years ago, when I was in my early 20’s, I had a very disturbing dream that stayed with me for long time before it faded into a memory in the back of my mind.

In the dream, I witnessed a murder of a woman in a community where, when I still lived with my parents, we attended church. There was a older couple that came up from Florida for the summers, M.H. and Rose Goins that attended also. They lived less that half a mile from the church, up on a hill, partially hidden by tall white pines. I had been in their house once, when I was a youngster, and barely remembered much about it. The dream took place in their house.

In the dream, a tall, thin, dark-complexioned man had his arms wrapped around a woman from behind, standing near a door that led outside. In his hand was a large kitchen knife, and he held it across the woman’s throat. He was speaking harshly to her, but it was just garble to me. Then, in the heat of anger, he cut her throat, and the blood ran down her body and pooled up on the floor. At that point the dream ‘went black’, and opened up with a new scene. In it, this man was tossing the woman’s body, wrapped in a sheet, over an embankment lined with rocks. I knew that it was a place on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Two years later, when visiting my parents, I went with them to church. I had not been in that area for about five years, since marrying and moving away. Just before we passed what would have been the Goins’ driveway, I noticed that a modular had been erected on the property adjacent to them. I made a comment to my mother about it, to which she replied that it was where ‘the woman had lived that had gone missing two years before.’

I felt my hands get clammy, and asked her to explain. She went on to say that the woman was a daughter of a member of the community who had married a man from South America, and they had put the modular on a parcel of land given to them by her parents. According to the locals, he was a man who was away a lot on business trip, and sometimes the daughter would go along, and sometimes not.

Two years before, the man had flown to Colombia, where he was from, and then returned a few days later, immediately asking her parents of her whereabouts. They were under the impression that she had gone with him, so a missing person’s report was filed. She never turned up.

I immediately remembered my dream two years earlier. All through the church service, I replayed it over and over in mind. When we got back home, I coaxed my mother into telling me all she knew, without revealing why I wanted to know.

To my surprise, the man was due in court the following week on drug charges stemming from being caught trafficking drugs from Colombia into the US, and the local news had been following the story thoroughly. Numerous questions had been asked of him about his wife, but he maintained ignorance of her whereabouts. Before I left going back home, I told my mother that they~the law enforcement~would find her body on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The next week, after all the court ordeal was over, my mother called me to tell me how the case had ended up. After getting nowhere with a confession, investigators were sent to the modular to search for anything that had been missed during previous searches. The house had stood empty for almost the whole of the two years, and nothing had been moved. While there, a chemical test on the carpet by the front door had revealed that a large amount of human blood had been shed there. Later tests revealed that the type was the same as the missing daughter. When confronted with the new evidence, the man confessed to her murder, and led the law enforcement to the pullover on the Parkway where he had thrown her over. While wild animals had mutilated most of her remains, there was enough to conclude that it indeed was her.

After telling me all this, she asked me how I knew about the body being on the Parkway. I told her about the dream. While we both blown away at the accuracy of what I dreamed, there was a question from my mom about the dream scenario taking place at the Goins’ residence, and not where it actually happened. Thinking about it for a moment, I told her that I had not been in that community since the modular had been put in, so I was given the next closest residence. It made sense to me.

In the days afterward, I realized God had given this dream as a ‘wake-up call’, for me to begin to pay attention to the dreams He gave me. So, I deem that the dream ‘the one that started it all’, because it made me ‘sit up and take notice’ of God’s messages to me.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Find Joash

(I drew the above picture the next morning after having the following dream.)
This dream began with me looking at what seemed to be a painting in its very beginning stages, where the scenery was lightly drawn out in pencil. The elements given the most detail were the two trees on either side of the rock wall, and the words 'FIND JOASH' written in all-caps on the top of the wall. The trees seemed to be silhouetted against the sky, with a hint of mountain tops drawn in the background.
At the same time I read the words 'Find Joash' in the dream, the words were spoken into my right ear. I got my bible and began searching for Joash. I found several: the boy king that was hidden away, then crowned at seven years old to be king of Judah.. Then, there was the king of Israel some years later that sat with Elisha on his deathbed. Gideon's father was named Joash, as well as the keeper of the oil for King David.
So, which Joash was I supposed to find? And, how would I know once I found him? And, what would I say?
Over the next few days, and after searching the scriptures continually with no success, I decided to let it rest awhile, then come back to it later.

Then, on Wednesday, September 4, we decided to go for a walk in Pisgah National Forest near Davidson River. As we approached the footbridge, we saw a tall, African American man standing in the middle, looking down at the water. He appeared to be in deep thought, as if something was weighing heavy on his mind.

We almost walked on by, but we felt the inclination to stop. We anointed the *bridge, and asked him if he minded if we took his picture to include on our website. He didn't, so we took the picture, talked to him about the love of Yeshua, and gave him a **card for our ministry.

We walked approximately a mile, then turned back. As we walked, we discussed the meeting we just had, and what it might have meant. When we questioned each other as to whether he might have been the Joash we had to find, the spirit came over us in a huge way. There was no mistake~he was the Joash!

We walked back, pleased with the fact that we had 'found' Joash. We pray Alonzo (aka Joash) also got something from us, so that he doesn't have to go look over a bridge to mull over the questions in his life.

(Did you notice how much the picture I took resembles the one I drew? God used the 'picture' to show me the location where we would meet this Joash!)