And for that the dream was doubled to Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. Gen. 41:32
For God does speak—now one way, now another—though man may not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn man from wrongdoing and keep him from pride, to preserve his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword. Job 33:14-17

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

God Has a Sense of Humor

We've all said it. "God has a sense of humor." And, most of us have probably had at least one  humorous event happen in our lives that we know only God could orchestrate. Take, for example, the following:

Back in the mid '90's, a cousin of mine was in her third trimester with her and her husband's second child. Janie's husband was an unbeliever, but everyone in the family could see that the Lord was dealing with him. But, Jamie had dug in his heels, saying he 'just wasn't ready'. But, the Lord had a plan to get his attention, and that He did when routine tests revealed that the unborn baby, which they knew was a boy, had Downs Syndrome.

Janie refused to entertain the doctors findings-she had gotten a word from the Lord that her baby was fine, and she stood on it. She knew that the Lord was working on her husband's heart. She had peace, but Jamie was  wreck. He was angry, confused, and just couldn't get the peace with it that his wife had. He spent his days at work, which was bulldozing a house site, in tears. As the delivery date approached, and every subsequent test revealed the same results, Jamie's heart was getting to the breaking point.

One night, just a few days before the anticipated delivery, the Lord gave me a dream, which made no sense to me at the time. But, it was soon revealed that, even in a serious matter, that God can bring out the humor in it.

In my dream, there were five doctors, all in white lab coats, encircling a dark substance in the middle of a  graveled road. As they walked around, they were chanting as they bowed to the substance. They would all raise up in unison, take a few steps, then bow again.

I was just an observer in the dream; I stepped forward to see  what they were worshiping, as it was apparent at that point that was what they were doing. As I peered between them, I saw a fresh pile of....what I will politely call 'road apples' just deposited by a horse. It was so fresh that there was still steam rising from it.

The dream had come early in the week, so I spent the rest of it contemplating what it could possibly mean. I got my answer on Sunday when another relative filled me in on what had happened on Friday's visit to the doctor. After the latest test came back positive, Jamie had stood up, expressed his anger, and walked out of the doctor's office. His last words to the doctor was 'it was all a bunch of horse sh**'.

Well, that certainly explained the dream! I was also told that the primary doctor had called in four specialists. They were all standing behind the tests results, even though Janie had told them that she had faith in God that they were wrong.

On that Monday, Jamie surrendered his heart to the Lord. Three days later, Stetson came into the world, completely healthy.

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